

Analysis-Enrich Sumologic with ThreatCrowd

  • Description:

Enrich Sumlogic results w/ ThreatCrowd results

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, ThreatCrowd

Analysis- Enrich Sumologic With VirusTotal

  • Description:

Enrich Sumlogic results w/ VirusTotal results

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, VirusTotal

Analysis-Sumologic Compromised Account

  • Description:

Extract compromised accounts, fined associated IPs then submit to various threat intelligence services for analysis

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, VirusTotal, Whois, ASN

Analysis-Sumologic Misuse Account

  • Description:

Extract misused accounts, fined associated IPs then submit to various threat intelligence services for analysis

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, VirusTotal, Whois, ASN

Ingestion-Import Elastic Security Detections

  • Description:

Import Security Detections from Elastic Search

  • Integrations:

Elasticsearch, DTonomy

Ingestion-Import Wazuh Detections

  • Description:

Import Security Detections From Wazuh

  • Integrations:

Wazuh, DTonomy

IR-Enrich Sumologic with VirusTotal and Export to Spreadsheet

  • Description:

Enrich Sumlogic results w/ VirusTotal results, then export to a csv to Google Sheet

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, VirusTotal, Google Docs

IR-Enrich Sumologic User Detection with Vulnerability Check

  • Description:

Enrich Sumologc results w/ Shodan results

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, Shodan

Response-Compromised Account Alert

  • Description:

Receive a reported compromised account, delete it from AWS IAM and notify admin by email

  • Integration:

AWS, Email

Response-Misuse Account Alert

  • Description:

Receive a reported misused account, delete it from AWS IAM and notify admin by email

  • Integration:

AWS, Email


Analysis-Phishing Email

  • Description:

Standard workflow that retrieves the phishing email, extracts artifacts and submit to various threat intelligence sites for analysis

  • Integration:

Email,, ASN, HybridAnalysis, VirusTotal, Haveibeenpwned

Analysis-Phishing Email with PDF Decryption

  • Description:

Same as standard phishing email playbook above, w/ extra step of decrypting attached pdf and submit for file analysis

  • Integration:

Email,, HybridAnalysis, VirusTotal, Haveibeenpwned

Analysis-Comprehensive Phishing Response Workflow

  • Description:

Similar as standard phishing email playbook above, w/ extra step of decode encoded URLs w/ ProofPoint Encoder

  • Integration:

ProofPoint, Email,, HybridAnalysis, VirusTotal, Haveibeenpwned

IR-Phishing Email Response with Yara

  • Description:

Retrieve reported phishing email, create YARA rules based on the content, and also upload to Splunk

  • Integration:

Yara, Email, Splunk

IR-Comprehensive Phishing Response Workflow

  • Description:

Retrieve reported phishing email, create YARA rules if the content is malware related, otherwise follow standard phishing email play as above

  • Integration:

Email,, ASN, HybridAnalysis, VirusTotal, Haveibeenpwned, Yara

Response-Report Phish to Microsoft

  • Description:

Fwd a reported phishing email to Microsoft Phishing report email address

  • Integration:


Response-Report Spam to Microsoft

  • Description:

Fwd a reported spam email to Microsoft Spam report email address

  • Integration:


Utility-Delete Outlook Email

  • Description:

Demo how to delete an email from Outlook

  • Integration:


Utility-Forward Email as Attachment

  • Description:

Retrieve an email then fwd it as an attached eml

  • Integration:


Utility-Forward Email with Attachment

  • Description:

Retrieve an email w/ attachments, then fwd it to another email inbox

  • Integration:


Utility-Read Email Attachment

  • Description:

Demo how to parse each attachment of a retrieved email

  • Integration:



Response-AWS Block Ip

  • Description:

Demo how to block ips from access an AWS VPC

  • Integration:


Ingestion-AWS CloudTrail

  • Description:

Demo how to retrieve AWS CloudTrail events

  • Integration:


Utility-AWS Invoke Lambda

  • Description:

Demo how to run AWS lambda function

  • Integration:


Response-AWS VPC Create Security Group

  • Description:

Demo how to create a Security Group in AWS

  • Integration:


Compliance-Audit User

  • Description:

List IAM instance profile once a week, iterate the EC2 instance with IAM Profile Association and check if association should be removed

  • Integration:



API Mocker-Carbon Black

  • Description:

Mimic a Carbon Black REST web API

Response-Retrieve Carbon Black Alerts and Create Jira Issue

  • Description:

Get Carbon Black scan result and create a JIRA ticket

  • Integrations:

Carbon Black, Jira

Analysis-Enrich CrowdStrike with SIEM

  • Description:

Retrieve end point detections and correlate them with recent activity for this user and ip on other detections generated by SIEM

  • Integrations:

Crowdstrike, Sumologic

Response-Block Ip on Azure

  • Description:

Block Ip on Azure

  • Integrations:


Response-Block Ip on Fortinet

  • Description:

Block Ip on Fortinet

  • Integrations:


Response-Block Ip on Endgame

  • Description:

Block Ip on Endgame

  • Integrations:



Analysis-Collect user Info From Pastebin

  • Description:

Find PasteBin urls reported in emails; from PasteBin find possible mention of certain types of user names, match w/ internal LDAP server. If any matches, fire alert and send email notification

  • Integration:

Gmail, LDAP

Analysis-Enrich IP with Threatcrowd

  • Description:

example how to submit IP to ThreadCrowd

  • Integration:


Analysis-Import CISCO Meraki Alert

  • Description:

Import CISCO Meraki Alerts

  • Integration:


Analysis-Network Traffic Alert

  • Description:

Get Ips from Network Alerts, then submit each to various threat intelligence services to enrich the data and archive

  • Integration:

VirusTotal, WhoIs, ASN

IR-Enrich Sumologic Network Alerts with Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability

  • Description:

Retrieve security alerts from Sumologic, leveraging whois information to get abuse email accounts, and send a summarized information to abuse email accounts.

  • Integration:

Sumologic, Whois, Email

IR-Enrich Sumologic Network Attack with whois and Send Email

  • Description:

Get top 10 Ips from cyber attacks, find out each IP’s abuse contact email then report

  • Integration:

Sumologic, Whois

Response-Block Ip and Log Actions to Sumologic

  • Description:

Block Sumologic Ips and write logs to Sumologic

  • Integration:

Sumologic, Aws

Response-Network Alert Escalation

  • Description:

Receive a network alert and file a ticket based on its info

  • Integration:

ServiceNow, Email

Response-Block Ip Azure

  • Description:

Block Ip on Azure

  • Integrations:



Analysis-Network Alert With Vulnerability

  • Description:

Submit Network Alert’s IP to Shodan to find vulnerabilities

  • Integrations:

Sumologic, Shodan

Analysis-Notify Owner to Fix Vulnerability

  • Description:

Receive a submitted vulnerability alert; use its IP to file ServiceNow ticket and send an email notification

  • Integrations:

ServiceNow, Email

Response-Retrieve Nessus Scan and Create Jira Ticket

  • Description:

Create a JIRA ticket from a Tenable.IO scan result

  • Integration:

Tenable.IO, JIRA

Utility-Nexpose Example

  • Description:

Examples of using 4 Nexpose nodes

  • Integrations:

Rapid7 Nexpose, LDAP


DLP-Data Leaking Protection Validation

  • Description:

Compared received alert email w/ known leaked event id and send alert if a match

  • Integration:


Intelligence-Build Intelligence

  • Description:

Demo how to build intelligence w/ BitBucket Web API

  • Integration:


Analysis-End To End User Alert

  • Description:

Demo how to set incoming alert to global context

Notifications-Microsoft Teams

  • Description:

Demo how to communicate w/ Microsoft Teams

  • Integration:

Microsoft Teams

Report-Shadow Server

  • Description:

Extract URLs from incoming email, download linked csvs from those URLs and enrich results w/ IP info

  • Integrations:


Response-Auto Report To Microsoft

  • Description:

Report a received alert to Microsoft reporting email address

  • Integration:

Microsoft Website

Response-Create ServiceNow Ticket

  • Description:

Convert a reported alert to ServiceNow ticket

  • Integration:


Response-Get Abuse Domains Whois

  • Description:

Find WhoIs info for reported domains

  • Integration:


Response-Report Abuse Whois

  • Description:

From reported domain’s WhoIs info find abuse reporting email address, then notify that email address

  • Integration:

WhoIs, Email

Response-Warn User

  • Description:

Send a warning email to user based on received alert

  • Integration:


Utility-Alexa Ranking

  • Description:

Demo how to retrieve Alexa Ranking for a domain

  • Integration:


Utility-Automating Interactive Applications

  • Description:

Demo how to run a command in a remote machine

  • Integration:


Utility-Create Ticket

  • Description:

Fire a ServiceNow ticket based on received alert

  • Integration:


Utility-Install Python Module

  • Description:

Demo how to install a python module in host machine

  • Integration:


Utility-OTX Example

  • Description:

Demo how to use OTX to check malicious files/domains/Ips/urls

  • Integration:


Utility-Parallel Computation

  • Description:

Demo how to implement parallel branches in workflow

Utility-Perl Example

  • Description:

Demo how to run a Perl script in host machine

  • Integration:


Utility-Python Processor

  • Description:

Demo how to run a Python script in host machine

  • Integration:


Utility-Update Ticket

  • Description:

Demo how to update a ServiceNow ticket based on a received alert

  • Integration:


Utility-Wait For Actions

  • Description: Demo how to use Delay node to implement a Wait Loop in workflow

Utility-Write To Google Sheet

  • Description:

Demo how to write to Google Sheet

  • Integration:

Google Docs


  • Description:

Demo how to invoke GSuite Web API

  • Integration:
